Most of the inbound roamers try to call their home country directly from their phone address book, eventually the call gets dropped due to invalid number format (Dialing without international code). With the help of Call Corrector Solution, incorrectly dialed calls can be automatically corrected on the fly.
Operational Benefits

Increases call completion rate and revenue.

Boost subscriber satisfaction and loyalty

Gain a competitive edge over other operators in your market.
Subscribers Benefits

Always Connected

Seamless access with automation

Easy roaming access from anywhere in the world
- Blacklist or Whitelist Numbers
- MSISDN Prefixes
- IMSI Prefixes
- Notify Corrected Numbers Via SMS
- Priority Based Routing on Conflicts
- Supports Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
- Network Wise Service Enable / Disable Facility
- Supports Both Local and International Dialing
- Available for Both Post-paid And Pre-paid Roamers
- Supports Home Short Code Numbers While on Roaming