Omobio (Pvt) Ltd, Celebrated Opening of its New Head Office in Colombo 04. On 23rd August 2016.

Omobio, Sri Lanka’s leading Telecom Software Solutions Provider, celebrated opening of its Head Office in Colombo 04. On 23rd August 2016. Having grown exponentially in past 5 years, the company will continue to expand its foot print in global arena of innovative software solution connecting people.

The guest of honour, Hon. Harin Fernando, Minister of Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure addressed the gathering recognising the efforts of Omobio to develop highly technical, cutting edge solutions and gave a speech of government’s effort is building digital infrastructure, smart cities and connecting people, a vision of Sri Lanka to expand for future. Omobio CEO also shared the company’s strategy for addressing the rapidly expanding Sri Lankan Telecom Software market and the importance of stopping brain drain (IT graduates migrating).